I think create this blog was a great opportunity to improve our writing skills wich many times are under valuated but in some cases it will make the difference. In the blogging we can practice our reading skills as well, because we need to read other classmates post too and leave answers.
It is also very comfortable for us because we can write in our houses and the teacher can correct the blogs from her house too so is a easy but effective way to teach and learn, I can’t really find anything bad about the blog work.
The blogging experience is a great way to learn English, that’s for sure and I’m happy to have been part of this, but I don’t believe I will continue using the blog because I use other sites like facebook for interact with friends and flickr to show my photos and so far I don’t think the blogs (new blogs like mine) are readed for many people apart from the teacher and classmates.
The other think I want to emphasize about the course is that evaluations are very original and helpful…for example the dissertation in English is a excellent exercise because if any of us go to a foreign country to study, soon or later that person will have to have a dissertation in English and after this course we will have some experience already and I consider that very important.
The level of the course is very high but accessible for most people, I can’t wait for level 4 to keep improving my English.
Finally I want to thank all the classmates especially my friends Javier and Pamela for the feedback in terms of helping in the classes and the answer in the post and the teacher wish always have good disposition with all of us and is always there in case of a doubt.